is the solution for sustainable energy, which can satisfy needs of all economic branches and has a wide range of benefits from multiple points of view: energy security, transport, environment and resource-efficiency to reach the goal of decreasing emission’s amount of greenhouse gases by 2050.
Hydrogen technologies can deliver by:
Creating new business and commercial opportunities for European companies
Storing domestic renewables at a virtually unlimited scale
Decarbonising transport through the deployment of zero-emission vehicles
Reducing energy consumption as well as emissions of greenhouse gases, pollutants and particulates for heating and decentralized power production
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Using renewable energy (Solar, Wind and Water) technologies it is not always possible to use all the produced energy because there is no need of such an amount of power from consumers. Unused energy could be used in electrolysis to produce hydrogen, then it could be stored till there is need of power in one of the several applications.
as energy carrier or fuel can be used in transport, heat and electricity production in several ways: burning directly (combustion in engines or heating systems) or chemically (fuel cell in all there’s variety) without producing environmental pollution with carbon and it’s compounds (small particles, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide CO, carbon dioxide CO 2 ).
What is hydrogen
Hydrogen is placed as the 1 st element in periodic table with symbol H (from latin hydrogenium) and atomic number 1. Hydrogen atomic mass is 1.00794 g/mol, which means, it is the lightest of all elements. Hydrogen in compound has a charge of 1, typically oxidized to +1, but in some other compounds, e.g. metalhydrides, -1. At normal conditions hydrogen is explosive gas with no colour or smell consisting of 2 atom molecules H 2 . In the Universe it is the most common element with mass part of about 75%, because young stars including our Sun consist of hydrogen. On Earth hydrogen is met only in compounds (hydrocarbons such as natural gas and oil, other organic compounds, hydride, hydrate etc., including water); this is because hydrogen gas is lighter, than air, so gravitational force could not keep it close to our planet. This is the reason, why we have to use some energy (ideally renewable source, but now commonly traditional fossil and nuclear plant power) to obtain hydrogen from compounds.