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JIVE/JIVE2/MEHRLIN – CEE hydrogen bus roadshow –Aivars Starikovs, Hydrogen Europe, CEO Advisor for CEE countries, Latvian Hydrogen Association, Member of the Board
JIVE/JIVE2/MEHRLIN – Flagship FuelCell Buses Projects in Europe – Early Results and Best Practices –Flavio Grazian, Project Manager – Knowledge and Innovation, The International Association of Public Transport (UITP)
Funding and Financing opportunities –Luca Feola, Project Officer, Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Hydrogen Strategy for Wielkopolska –Walerian Majewski, Greater Poland Voivodeship representative
Hydrogen perspectives in development plans of JSC Latvenergo –Pēteris Lesničenoks, Hydrogen business development leader, JSC Latvenergo
Hydrogen research at RTU – Prof. Dr. sc. ing. Gatis Bažbauers, Vice-Rector for Research, Riga Technical University
Vai vēja enerģijas var būt par daudz?– Gatis Galviņš, Latvijas Vēja enerģijas asociācijas valdes loceklis un izpilddirektors
EIB support for Hydrogen Mobility in Europe –Neil Valentine, Head of Urban Mobility Division, European Investment Bank
Fuel cell bus development at Caetano Bus and real-life experiences in public transport –Francisco de Magalhães, International Sales Manager, CaetanoBus
Hydrogen refuelling technology with focus on FCE Buses – Andreas Noky, , Project manager Hydrogen Filling Stations, Messer SE & Co. KGaA
Supporting the Regional Development of the Green Hydrogen Fuel Value Chain for Transportation in Estonia and Latvia (project – H2VALUE) –Jaanus Tamm, Project manager, Tartu Linnavalitsus (Tartu City Government)
Advanced Nano-coatings to support the Hydrogen Economy –Raivis Nikitins, Chief commercial officer, Naco Technologies
Hydrogen powered drone –Marek Alliksoo, SKYCORP Latvija, CEO
Application of hydrogen fuel in gas turbine units –Yuriy Deriy, Director of Business Development, Ukrainian State Gas turbines research and production complex “Zorya-Mashproekt”
HySol, Refuel Your Future! –Antons Šaripo, Project Engineer, INTRA Holding
R&D services for high tech industries – PhD. Ainārs Ozols, University of Latvia, Institute of Solid State Physics, “Materize”